I will love you so beautifully.

I will love you in the most beautiful ways. Taint your memories with a sweet taste of my vengeance.

I will take you to the depths of the world, let you explore the crevasses of your soul you never knew existed. So that you can never return without tasting me in your mouth.

I will love you so beautifully that you will not comprehend a reality without me. I will shake the ground you stand on, and walk away for it to crumble underneath you.

Hearing my name will become a storm of broken mirrors, in which you will desperately clutch the shattered pieces to gather a glimpse of me.

I will love you so beautifully. My affection will echo in your soul. My energy will poison the lens of false reality you so desperately cling to.

You will look at your reflection and see my kisses tattooed on your skin.

You will go to the most hidden places of yourself and smell my essence.

You will kiss her and taste me like a toxicity that will never vanish.

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