Month: May 2016

Death of a Sunshine

Her eyes no longer glisten with hope.

Her eyes are glazed with heart break.

A sunshine of hope I used to turn to has become part of the clouds she used to heal.

Her energy no longer pulses with life.

She slowly is becoming everything she preached never to be.

Her heart is heavy, for I can feel the weight from across the room.

She is alone, an epiphany that has finally destroyed her.

Empty Compliments

If she loves you, know that you have stepped into a firey sense of heaven.

You see, compliments cage her and so rarely phase her.

For any empty mind can tell her the evident marks of her beauty.

Hollow surface level admirers no longer feed her ego.

For her it is not about hearing the magnitude of her beauty, but rather about feeling it.

Feeling it by someone like you

There is nothing grander.

To make such a powerful woman feel her true sense of beauty.

That is worth more to her than a million compliments that the weak throw to her.


Something about you,

Makes my skin burn…with a fire.

The flavor of danger.

Something about you,

Makes my body tremble with a sensation so damaging.

Something about you makes my heart sink deeper…

Something about you makes my fidelity go out the window.

City lights

She was the bright city lights in a quiet suburb.  The cultured spirit that never sleeps.  A fearless energy that powers the streets I venture. Graffiti painted walls of a heart, encapsulating the class of a symphony.  She made it effortless to ride the fast … Continue reading City lights

Dare you

I dare you to kiss me

I know the minute you kiss me you’ll be pulled in like a bad habit

Kiss me I dare you

You’ll be hooked, you’ll go through a euphoria that spins your mind uncontrollably

A sweet poison you’ll be addicted to.

You’ll come back begging for more

Curiosity will get the best of you

And temptation will control me

Palpitations that radiate from your chest

Taking control of this moment

You lips will be stained

And your soul will finally feel alive

I dare you. Kiss me just once.

Something about you

Something about you

Over stepping boundaries without permission

Pushing towards things I shouldn’t

Something about you

Tapping gently at the anxiety of my touch

I know no filters

You make me dangerous

You instill fire in my kisses

Grasp me closer, touch me deeper, let me take you to a world of desire

Something about you makes me dangerous to touch



My 2 a.m. hello 

Thank you for being my 2 a.m.
For being the hello my soul screams for when it reaches solitude. 

My heart has always been warm but it seems as though it goes through fevers. 

So hot to the exterior world. 

Yet shivering from the depths of its core. 

You were the antidote when I was unaware I needed one.

A clarity I hope never escapes my grip.

You are much more than a companion. 

And nothing short of a fairy tale

A breathless moment; a much needed hello. 

Thank you for being part of a sequence.  

To a woman who spent nights asking for a man like you . 

Waiting for your letter.

Writing to shine light on shadows I never cared to share.

Endlessly writing, writing…..writing…

Pages painting a picture of the bruise you continuously leave behind.

Words I scream to the silence of the sky every night.

Repeatedly yelling for you,

To just love me.

To listen.

To stop turning your back at the words I know you read.

To simply write me back, just once.

I can handle rejection…

Silence is what destroys me.

Drowning in Liquor.

Liquor stained lips drowning your existence.

Memories of a love that took a commission of my heart.

Grasping for a breath of sanity.

But I continue to sink in my regrets.

At the bottom of this bottle that held a promise of hope.

A mirage that only mirrors my emptiness.

Chasing a false hope, night after night.

Simply diving deeper into the memories of you

Tasting you that much more with every sip.




No such thing as gray 

Maybe it’s silly of me to think you could fall into me.

Inviting you in knowing I cannot love you

Thinking you are interested in a mirage of emotions my own thoughts constructed

My imagination runs wild, parallel to my passion.

You see, my soul is unfamiliar with gray blurs

For my heart either allows me to fall in love so very deeply,

Or dislike ever so passionately.

Binge in gluttony,

Or starve myself for days,

Insomniac nights or hibernation in hopes to never wake up.

An “in between” has never been “me”.

So how silly of me it is to think I could love you they way I do

So blatantly knowing you could never do the same .