Month: June 2016


Writing was an art for me and then I hit a wall years ago. I was unhappy, therefore I never wrote. This meant I never spoke, I never used the voice I was given to scream what I feel, what I see in you, in them, in me.

Funny thing looking into a mirror can do….the prisoner was holding the key to this very cell the whole time, the prisoner was me. I was finally happy. So I wrote again.

I wrote, my veins bled with stories of pain, wonder, and above all heart break. Simultaneously I saw people around me suffocating on the own words they chose to never share. Choking on their emotions. A noose that they wrapped around their neck themselves. And so their pain was my own. It was my own because I became the voice they had permanently placed on mute.

I for one forbid filters for myself, restrict myself from building a wall around my heart anymore. Therefore as I sing melodies of my troubled soul, I in turn paint their own on a canvas. I translated the emotions I saw in their eyes. Eyes that glistened, that yelled for me to interpret.

I write for them, I write for myself. A way that I can feel I am doing a service to others. A way that I can touch them so deep they savor my sunshine even after I finish another chapter.

I was always reluctant to share these secrets of my own, and theirs. But all it took was a little curiosity, and I let my words be alive. Moments like these I am thankful I have my writing to escape the reality of my pain. But these are also  moments I wish I never wrote in the first place.

I always wrote to be understood. How naïve of me to think that would always hold true. I forgot about the shitty part of being a writer and being misunderstood. The moment you wish you never wrote in  the first place.

All I see is you.

Why cant the thought of you leave me alone?

A midnight moon, and all I see is you.

An empty chair and all I see you.

Melodies that scream in my soul, just for you.

I refuse to let this be a good bye.

Because I look up and all I see is you.

I see you, even when I hate the thought of you.

Waiting for my 2 a.m. And for once you’re not there.

How do I erase you when all I see is you?

I continuously push rewind in my memories.

I never thought the vacant whispers of the air could ever haunt me with you voice.

But since you left all I see is you.


Empty song

An empty song searching for the lyrics you once sang to me.

An empty bed  that troubles me more than the dreams I so vividly see

Dwelling on the past searching for a love in dark memories.

People always told me its better to love than not..

If that were true why do I drown myself in alcohol?

How do you fill such a void?

Such a percentage of your heart forever gone…

Sitting at the edge of my bed wondering where it went wrong.

Listening to this empty song repeatedly, searching for you.



How Ironic

How ironic it is that I sit here writing each night like I used to?

Numerous pages saturated with heart break.

I have always been the audience to a man that walks away .

The admirer from afar.

The one who will always be stuck waiting…

Waiting for my false delusion to finally be a reality.

How ironic is it that I let you read the tears of a broken soul?

Only for you to become another sequence in the very same pages.